RUSSELL AND DAWSON – AN ARCHITECTURE AND ENGINEERING FIRM (860) 289-1100 1111 Main Street, East Hartford, CT 06108-2241

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Griswold Middle School, Griswold, CT

  • Griswold, CT
  • 130,000 sq. ft.

Services Rendered

  • Engineering Design Services

Griswold Middle School is a 5-8 grade school of 525 students located in eastern Connecticut. In 2008, Russell & Dawson was requested by the client to provide structural engineering services. Because this was a space for youths in their growing age, the utmost challenge of the designs was ensuring safety of the design. Through countless meetings and consultations with the client, Russell & Dawson was able to collect the data, analyze existing engineering, calculate, and successfully provide structural engineering design for the client to proceed. Thanks to Russell & Dawson’s team of engineers, Griswold Middle School can now uphold their mission, to educate students for excellence while ensuring physical, social, and emotional safety of the students.

The services rendered included Structural Engineering Services (Consultation, Data Collection, Engineering Analysis, Calculations, Engineering Design, Professional Certification, Working Drawings).

Project Team

Russell and Dawson provided architecture design services and engineered a 64,000 sq. ft. space for the construction of a new hotel with a project value of $ 15 million.

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